Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Cutest Little Cubs Fans on the Planet

We stayed for the whole game -- all nine innings. We bought them matching Cubs t-shirts. They ate hot dogs, ice cream and peanuts. Brendan sucked down a Pepsi like it was the most magical thing he had ever had in his mouth. We even got to see a bit of the Air and Water Show taking place above the stadium.

Several times this week I have heard Brendan singing to himself in his room, "Go Cubs go. Go Cubs go. Hey Chicago, what do you say. The Cubs are going to win today."


Unknown said...

Completely agreed-- definitely the cutest Cubs Fans ever! Sounds like it was a perfect summer activity. I love picturing B with the Pepsi.

selfmademom said...

The fact that you got B to stay for all 9 innings is beyond me. J lasted 2! We may try again over labor day, though... so fun!