Sorry that this blog has become almost exclusively about kids birthdays.
But the truth is that our actual life is pretty much exclusively focused on celebrating kids birthdays around this time of year (one down, one to go). So bear with me for a few more birthday-related posts.
Last year, I bought a Waldorf Birthday Ring for our family birthday celebrations. I love the idea of a family birthday tradition. But as with all traditions, we have modified how we use our birthday ring over time.
Last year, I set it out on our dining room table as a sort of centerpiece and I switched out the pieces for Eleanor and then Brendan's birthdays. It was more of a look-but-don't-touch -situation.
This year, I put the ring out on our kitchen table at the beginning of April and I have let the kids play with it and change the pieces in and out themselves. I wanted it to be more of an interactive activity.
And touch they have. In fact, Brendan just spilled his strawberry yogurt smoothie all over it (not sure it will ever be quite the same, but whatever).
I added a few new ornaments to signify some of the events of the past year -- notably a blue pram for the addition of baby Colin and a snowman to remind us of the many snowmen Daddy and the kids built during the endless winter.
1 comment:
Thank you for sharing how your birthday ring is evolving! We have been thinking about having one, but not quite sure how to start. Thank you for the inspiration!
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