Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Go Brendan Go!

About 10 days ago, David took the training wheels off of Brendan's bike. And then without any instruction, off he went. Within minutes, he was circling this parking lot like a pro.

It is as though he just knew how to ride (for this, we credit the Strider PreBike that he has been tooling around on for the past few weeks). Brendan was ready. He was just patiently waiting for us to get around to taking off those training wheels.

In related news, while we were visiting Grandma and Grandpa a few weeks ago, I took his swim vest off -- intending to give him a little lesson. Without any intervention on my part, he basically swam the width of the pool by himself.

Kids can really surprise you sometimes.


Meghan Murray said...

He's too young for this...making Aunt Meg feel old...

selfmademom said...

That's amazing!! We are debating taking the training wheels off but am nervous. The swimming is great! What accomplishments!