Monday, February 8, 2010

Good Winter Reads

I keep a basket of books in our living room near the fireplace -- a sort of seasonal reading selection. Now is the time of year to read about snowmen, sledding and hot chocolate. Soon we will be moving on to daffodils, bird nests, and rain puddles.

Not quite yet though.

We are expecting a snow storm tonight (they say almost a foot, but who knows). So before bed we read The Snow Day by Komako Sakai. My aunt gave this book to my kids for Christmas and it has become a fast favorite.

Through its gentle illustrations and minimal text, The Snow Day somehow captures the deep quiet that comes with a big snow. It is a most excellent winter read.

I created an Amazon list over on the right-hand sidebar with some of our favorite seasonal books. I've seen this feature on other blogs and have found it helpful as I planned trips to the library or bought birthday presents for little ones. If you are looking to update your book basket, have a look.*

Just waiting now to see if we have a real snow day tomorrow.

* If you click on a book and purchase it through Amazon, I get (an extremely, extremely) small percentage of the sales price. Pennies. This list isn't intended to be a money-maker -- just a suggested reading list based on our favorites.

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