Thursday, January 13, 2011

We Got a Dog! (well, sort of)

Meet Penny!

She really belongs to my sister and her family -- but this week, she belongs to us!

When Ellie was about three years-old, she asked me when we could get a dog. Like an idiot, I said, "When you are ten."

Of course, she remembers that exchange perfectly and we've been in a count-down ever since.

Most days, the three-and-a-half year wait until Ellie actually turns ten seems entirely too short and I rue the day I ever uttered those words.

With all of the people and needs that we already have in our house, I often question my ability to competently deal with more potty and discipline issues.

But when the opportunity to babysit Penny for a few days arose, we jumped on it. So this week, we are giving it a trial run.

Admittedly, this isn't really a true trial because Penny is the easiest dog ever. But she still needs to be fed, played with, let out and loved. And I actually think we're doing a pretty darn good job so far.

Miss Penny is pretty nice to have around actually. The kids love her and she seems to find them kind of intriguing, at least part of the time (and the other time she spends snoozing on my living room couch in relative silence -- which is fine too.)

Penny will be with us for a few more days. So I'll be back with updates on our so-far pawsitive foray into dog ownership.

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